Sunday, July 3, 2011

We've all heard about the mice playing when the cats aren't around

Well. Mama Cat is far far away. So at lunchtime the other day the fam damily was invited to Mr and Mrs Parkins place for a wee lunchtime snack. Not much. Half a pig. side of beef. Anyway, we were met at the entrance by Mr Jai.

He's obviously been waiting for our arrival with eager delight

Big Pop and John simply can't wait to join in the photo. They are absolute camera hogs those two

We sit down for a resplendant repast that will keep that nasty cold wind well away from our delicate frames. But. We can't find Jai. Where is he? Should we panic?

Not yet. Not just yet. We'll wait and see what eventuates. What does eventuate is a roaring noise as he starts up the sit-on mower and charges around the yard. Naturally, with the speed of a teenager, I leapt up (after Michael tells me that Jai's waiting for me to take his photo!) and ran outside to snap some shots.

Needless to say, it wasn't very long before I was yelling out "YOU watch where you're going! I'll deal with the camera!" I really think I'm getting too old for this game. When's he going back?

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