Monday, August 22, 2011

Porch Swing

When Sheree and Ian left Norfolk they gave Dad an beautiful wooden porch swing, with green canvas cover. It has been under the trees in the front of Dad's house, since they went to Brisbane

Right here, under a large avocado tree, and among the palms and other native plants. Check out the front post. It's whalebone. Half of the lower jawbone, cut in half from the late 1950's when Norfolk Island housed a whaling station.

Maybe two car lengths away from the front verandah, but close enough to see what's going on along Collins Head Road, and who's turning into 'Lorilea'

That is, until the other day when he must have thought that it's time to move it. So when we visited at lunchtime. He's somehow dragged it ~ and it's darned heavy ~ along to the front steps near the verandah. There he was, sitting in the sunshine, looking very pleased with himself. Es true you Dad.


Chelsea said...

I couldn't believe that when Shaz told me the other day, Nuts. What a clever poppy!

Miki said...

So So clever and he looks very regal purched on his new sun lounge - Nice work Pop

Love Miki

Millie said...

Jack looks soooooo precious orn dar swing :) Sweet thoughts of his darling Snooks :)