Friday, October 7, 2011

The Return of the Prodigal Son...

What IS a prodigal son? I might see Mary CB on the weekend and she can tell me. Anyway. Tzarn came home on Sunday night for Dad's 90th birthday. 6 am Wednesday he drives to Flagstaff looking for the nebuliser. 7am and he asks me to take him to the hospital. There he proceeds to have a full blown asthma attack. Later, when he's resting in intensive care and the medication is making him shake like an aspen leaf, the doctor tells us it's the worst case he's seen in 40 years! God. Thanks to Sharyn for becoming Deputy Clerk for the morning and allowing the Parliament to sit. Thanks to God that Tzarn is up and about and seems none the worst, although he's still up to his neck in medication. According to NASA we have the cleanest air in the world, second only to the Antarctic. Tzarn gets no asthma in BrisVegas. Deal with that!

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