Saturday, May 18, 2013

Duane's Gardening Project

Evidently as an assignment Duane and a group of four had to do a project for the community. They decided on a garden for a pre-school. I was incredibly impressed. I knew that Did's was an exceptional gardener, as was Bubby, his Pa, but I honestly thought Duane didn't know Squat.  How wrong was I.  Of course, and naturally, he was the one who knew exactly what to do.  How incredibly impressed are we!

...and in his own words...
"Here are some photos of the garden after the day. Planted everything, fruit trees, lemon, pomegranate, lemon myrtle, lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes, silver-beat, snow peas, marigolds, random other flowers, and the snow peas will grow up the teepee.we dug the areas, made the wooden cases, made the teepee. Did everything really lol oh and we made a blackboard and have hung it on a shed to the side for the kids to play with"
Really, really impressed my son.

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