Sunday, May 19, 2013

Norfolk Island Country Music Awards - Trans Tasman and 20th Birthday

Well! It's May again, and with the rain  comes Country Music. Or is it vice versa. I can't ever really tell. Anywho, it doesn't matter because guess what ? Yep. The marquee is up! Yay.

 Here she is. We haven't had the marquee for some five years, so it was great to see the great white hulk, sitting there again, obviously waiting for the party
 Did's is Vice President which is a little more full on than usual, because Jos, the President, is off island for medical reasons. He's pretty much an all-rounder when it comes to the Country Music Festival. He gets his little paws into everything. Jackie Pye has been there for the whole twenty years. Yep. Started at age 6 !
And these people don't just have titles. They hit the decks running and don't stop until the Festival is well over
 George Douran is in charge of decorating the hall this year. Did's said he wanted a tropical theme. Well. How's this then. The marquee looks amazing. Trust George. She's sprayed some agave cactus with gold paint, and it looks fantastic.
Trent was quietly having a couple of things to say ~ Hah ~  Quietly! Trent! I don't think so Horace. He was bellowing out as usual, his indignation at Gaylene stuffing his ride with rubbish. She was only trying to help.
 The stage area and Mrs Pye, still nursing her laundry basket, which moments before was overflowing with   brilliant red croton
 Checking that the job's done right
 Fan palms,  front to back to create a stunning natural wheel display
 Gae listening to see if the baby's turned
 The walkway for the artists to get on stage

 an empty bar ~~ at the moment! It'll soon be chockers

 Close ups of the walkway,

 stage, and
 inside seating.
 The bar, right inside the door for easy peasy access
Morg, Rossco and Dids, testing the set up and checking that everything's A~okay. Well done yorlyi.
Unless you've set up one of these things, I don't think anyone understands the incredible amount of work that goes into putting on the Norfolk Island Country Music Festival. It's absolutely full on, and you all deserve medals.
It's the  20th year and it's a birthday celebration. Happy Birthday  yorlyi. Have a good one!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Aww wish i was there but hope everyone has a FUNtastic time for this years big 20!!! How exciting! Wael done yorli! Love all the blogs mummy, not sure you needed to put in the cheeky pic of me :P can't believe how big fardy is and they're Still carrying him about! Love the Buddah and loved all the blog, Saz need another birthday so we can have sushi too :) Great job kiddies, can't wait to see yas xxx