Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chelsea's Graduation and Proud Parents

Well we are well and truly proud of our daughter Chelsea who has just graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Sociology with 3 High Distinctions and 2 Distinctions. She’s also been invited to do Honours in 2013. Well done Kiddo, as Pop would say.
Dids and I flew over to Brisbane for her Graduation and as Chelsea was still in London, we spent the first night dining out with Duane. He seemed to have no complaints whatsoever!

The next morning we drove back up to Brisbane Airport to collect Chel after her long flight from London, through Dubai, back to Australia.  She was wiped out, but had Sunday to recuperate before her Graduation Ceremony on Monday evening. We drove up to Mount Tamborine to check out the markets. Beautiful drive but we missed the best photo. No. Did's wasn't driving too fast!

 A short stroll through Southport and I was seriously taken with this shot. Who knows. It may well end up as a painting one day.  Pretty amazing isn't it!
Time to dress for Chel's big night. All quite excited and all quite nervous too. 

Chels with her very proud Father
Then the whole fam damily standing outside Chel and Duane's front door.

Time to enter the Gold Coast Entertainment Centre. The two tiers in front of the stage are filled with graduates. Somewhere in that gathering is Chelsea.  She could easily spot us.

 Though how that was possible I simply don't know.  You can see the amount of  relatives and friends in the back tier. That seating ran right around the hall and it was packed to the max. Great view. It started out very sedately but wound up with catcalls and whistling. Mama included.

 The stage itself held all the bigwigs. Each name was announced and as you can see from the screen behind, it was very easy to see what was going on .
...and there's Chel receiving her congratulations from the Dean.

Our girl has graduated. How proud Dottie would have been. "Aah es shi gatem briens fe Macey's. Her great great grandfather bin es barrister you know"

Chel and her friend Courtney, who is also Brent Adam's lady. Well done girls.
Suzanna Wright ~ dar fe Freshie's ~ also graduated as a School Teacher. Doesn't look like any schoolmarm I've been taught by!
Chel and Brent. Good friends. Born and bred in Ball Bay. How could they not be delightful.

The proud parents yet again. Can't get enough of her.

Later on, back home, when everything has returned to normal, Brent offers to cool us down from the stifling Gold Coast heat! Charming lad.
At Brisbane Airport heading home to Norfolk, and Santa with his merry singers, entertain us as we wait.

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