Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Rush Job to Sydney to check out my Brain!

My brain was hurting the other day and the Dr's decided to send me off to Sydney for a CAT scan. They didn't mention the lumbar puncture, or perhaps I would have found something else to do, rather than board the flight, but by the time I got there, it was too late and that very very very long needles was inserted into my spine.

Luckily for Dids and I his darling Aunty and Uncle took the two vagrants into their home, for the week that we were there.

Here's Nellie showing us her beach in the late afternoon.
The walk down is amazing and gave Dids all sorts of ideas for  the back valley                                                  
If you can't be home on the rock, this is a great place to be.
A short walk and you're on the beach.
Dinner is about to be served and it was especially delicious.
Please don't be mistaken into thinking that Dids is about to help. He isn't.
 Me and Greg sharing his favourite chair

Thaenks fe aklan you two, and for sharing your beautiful home with us.
A quick drive over to Dizzy's and a photo of the view from his and Viv's front window
The light in the distance is a plane coming in to land
Ruthie was visiting Dizzy and Viv at the time also, so we caught up with our next door neighbour at the same time. Hey, thaenks fe aklan Diz. Yu es riel daalen.

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