Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Day 30 November 2011

Thanksgiving Day on Norfolk Island is a very very special occasion. It is said that Norfolk is the only place outside of America, Hawaii and Guam that celebrates Thanksgiving, and that we do so because of the traditions that the American Whalers took to the tiny, early settlement at Pitciarn. Whatever the reason or history, it is now a part of Norfolk Island's culture and we look forward to Thanksgiving Day every year. A time when the family can get together and enjoy good times.

Spiritual devotion is evident along the pews as everyone bows their heads in prayer and thinks about lunch!

Barbara Nobbs plays the organ for us and I believe, for a number of other churches as well. Many thanks to Barb.

A fine study of the socialising that goes on prior to the service.

The aisles, font, front of church and pulpit are decorated with corn, grape vines and sometimes passionfruit. The ailses are full of fruit, vegetables and home cooked goodies. It's a great day. Friends and family can all catch up in the church grounds following the service.

This is a photo of a mangy old crow in the corn. Shoo crow, don't bother me!

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