Sunday, April 15, 2012

Commonwealth Womens Parliamentarians

The Commonwealth Womens Parliamentarians was started in Barbados in 1989 at the General Assembly of CPA. I attended that Conference as Norfolk Island's Minister for Community Services and was fortunate to be a founding Member of CWP. This week CWP met for their Planning Meeting in Norfolk Island.

Members at the farewell lunch following two full days of conference papers

The other half of the conference table at Dino's at Bumboras

Raymond Knight, Andres Lomp (CPA Regional Secretary) and Rhonda Griffiths MLA, Norfolk Island's CWP member

A CPA meeting at Bailey's of Governor's Lodge on the morning of their departure with Rhonda, Speaker Adams, Sharyn ~ who had organised the Norfolk Island end of the Planning Meeting ~ Andres and Raymond.

The Planning Meeting was very successful and Andres understands the important part that Norfolk Island can play in being a central and easily accessible venue for meetings where the Australian region and the Pacific region must meet.

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