Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Elves and the Shoemaker

We all know the story of the elves and the shoemaker. Well, I have my own version. The other day Paula came into my office and advised me that I needed serious re-arranging. I just assumed she meant my office. She couldn't possibly have meant my head!

So here's the outcome. Please note the Gaye Evans paintings that so exquisitely decorate the walls!

Unfortunately I didn't take a BEFORE photo. If I had you would truly understand the depth of my heartfelt gratitude to Paula. Well done.


Chelsea said...

Oh My Goodness!!!! Well i have a very clear memory of the Before and i can say i notice a difference. Congratulation to Paula, Great effort :) And mumma i think with you in it it would look even more spectacula... wuts et, crawler crawler... but es true. Love you xoxo

SaZ J said...

OH! I LOVE it!

Cristina Rose said...

THat is gorgeous Gaye, I would be happy to LIVE in your office space. I hope you feel inspired by your beautiful artworks to create more of them, especially your frangipani's...you have the magic touch with them and I would like to purchase a new fresh one when you bring it into the gallery! ♥