Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fiona Lee ~ of the Wings

Thanks to Yvon, this weekend Norfolk Island enjoyed a visit from Fiona Lee ~ of the Wings. A small group gathered at the home and Healing Centre of Stephanie on the eastern side of the Island. A number in the group had already experienced readings from Fiona from offshore, and were looking forward to the Shekinah Playshop that she was offering. Yvon had organised, collected, detailed and distributed all the detail for Fiona to come to Norfolk and we are very grateful to her. Also to Stephanie for allowing us to gather in her beautiful home and of course to Fiona for flying over and conducting her amazing Playshop.
 Fiona Lee ~ of the wings
A quote from Fiona's website "...I play internationally as a multi-faceted facilitator of healing and spiritual blossoming.  Whilst being real about the challenges and demands of modern life, I AM passionate about empowering you to ignite your unique spark in the divine plan. My mission is to activate and mainstream practical magic. The inspirations I offer are borne of my direct experience, and let’s face it, stuff ups, as a star being, a human, a healee and a healer. My style is grounded, direct, heart based and delivered with a sense of humour." ~ and let me tell you, all of this and more were experienced on the weekend.  (Please check out her website
 There were chats, atunements, alignments, guided meditations, communing and a host of information ~ principally about ourselves and who can want more! Fiona's background is scientific so she not only spoke of her spiritual work but was able to talk to us about progress in the fields of science and medicine that are happening today and "proving" what many of us have already known.
 Fiona addressing the group ~ fascinating to watch her dealing with the download of energy as it poured into her being
 The first day closed with a short drive to the portal so that we might engage in some earth healing. Fantastic day and a fantastic Playshop.

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