Friday, October 28, 2011

Golf Balls and High Water Mark

When Tzarn was a young whipper-snipper, he and Alasdair Bosley were very good at golf. Well. To be truthful, Alasdair was exceptional and probably still is. Anyway, one of the really fun things they used to do, was to line the golf balls up along the top of the cliff and see whether they could hit them over the Kingston pier.

Tzarn is on island. Entertainment is flagging so old amusements have raised their head. It almost reminds you of that wonderful old nursery rhymne, doesn't it. Here we go gathering nuts in May ~ or October, as the case may be!

An afternoon of bright Island sunshine; a good set of clubs and many, many, many golfballs can guarantee that good times will be had.

Now Duane who was looking on with some sceptism, decided that really, he ought to have a go himself. So with a line up, a little wiggle and a shake, the blasted ball took off into the blue and landed somewhere south of the South Pacific Ocean

Then Corinne stood up for a turn. They're her clubs actually. And might I say that for such a very little slip of a girl, she can surely belt that ball. It sailed out over the Niggerhead and landed with a plop. Nice one

Here I've managed to get almost all of them in the photo. They were far too busy to pay attention to my photography and I have to admit, Dad had an absolutely wonderful time

Really, when you think about it. If they are congratulating themselves for driving a golfball as far as the Kingston Pier, then Dad driving a golf ball into the sea in front of the pier is pretty darn splendid, when you consider that he turned 90 in the first week of this month!! Watch my big chinese pot Jackie Ralph. That thing can break and you'll all have to run!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Never ceases to amaze me does my poppy. What a Legend! Looks like so much fun was had by all :)