Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kathy Lecren's Country Music Award

Some months ago, Dids was asked to make an award for the Country Music Festival, to honour Kathy Lecren. Then he heard nothing more. The Festival started on Monday and he again heard about the Award. He started it the same day, but I have to say that it is absolutely beautiful. Again, please excuse the photo as the photographer is not Cecil Beaton, that's for sure. As usual with Did's art, there's alot of symbolism in the piece. Here's hoping I can remember some of it. The circle is for the feminine principle. Feminism, the moon, womb, egg, unending, enduring. The timber is Norfolk Island Pine for the years that Kathy lived here and for what this Island meant to her, and of course, for what she meant to this Island community. The microphone was because she was VL2NI Radio Station Manager for so very many years and was so popular. Also because Kathy was herself an entertainer at many of the Island's cabaret's and festivals. She was MC for countless events and always did it with class. The top of the microphone is made from New Zealand Elm, because she was a proud New Zealander. Dids would bet that he's the only person on Island with a piece of this wood! The dark stain is to honour her Maori heritage of which Kathy was so proud. A heritage which was immediately noticable in her proud carriage and noble manner. As much thought has gone into the stand, as he has put into the front. Again, the curve carrying through the feminine lines of the Award, self standing leaning slightly back so that the words are easy to read. Room for the winning artist's name for a number of years. A highly waxed finish to bring out the grain. Well done Dids. It's beautiful.

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