Sunday, June 5, 2011

Duane is back, back, back

After leaving home to live at the eastern end of the Island in his brother's cottage, Duane has decided to come home. Oh no. That's right. I made him! So the first photo shows the dining room table, seconds after he walked in the door.
He then thought it would be a great idea to make a milkshake. He's here trying desperately to get the message across that he's not going to use up all the milk. Of course he is!

Friend Dylan has also arrived home with Duane. I have had the pleasure of seeing neither of them for at least two months. The pain of parting. The sorrow. Nope. None.

The intensity of studying the labels to know exactly how to make a chocolate/caramel/strawberry thickshake to perfect proportions.

Yep. And mess. Lots of mess

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