The rain bucketed down with gay abandon, soaking through all layers and drumming on the roof. Kingston looked magnificent as I drove to work but my camera was sitting high and dry on my desk, so this afternoon I decided to do a little camera scouting for the blog. Hetieh.
This above and the next three photos were taken from the road leading to Munna's, looking up the valley towards the dam. Already much of the water has drained away since this morning, but you can still get a pretty good idea. I have to say that although I just loved, sloshing around in the mud and slush, my new boots didn't like it that much.
These are of the creek running into Emily Bay. Unfortunately it was raining again, and the shots not only look blurred, but you can't really see the power behind the water as it gushed down the channels.
Love this one. Again on the bridge leading to Munna's and looking toward Government House. As you can see the pinetree has it's little feeties in the water. Don't think it will like that very much.
This was taken from the entrance to the Legislative Assembly. It doesn't really show the extent of the water, but to do that I would have to go inside, get the key, walk out into the rain, unlock the main building, walk upstairs, take get the drift. I took it from the entrance! Again. Not blurry. It's raining.
This is the creek from the Flagstaff turn of, running towards Kingston. I am really kicking myself that I didn't have my camera this morning.
Looking across the common towards Emily Bay from up on the driveway.
The convict bridge down on the road at the Flagstaff turnoff. The water, although lessened, is still flying through. The ducks and geese are having a fantastic time.
Looking towards Wentworth's Cottage at the Lions Club. Again it doesn't really clearly show the extent of the water, but it's still a fine shot.
Now these were taken on Bounty Street or Bligh Street or whatever they call it, the one leading to Slaughter. This morning the road was totally underwater. Shall I whinge again that I didn't have my camera?
Anyway people, it gives you some idea of the water that's been blessing us of late. Oh have to tell you a tale about Dad. I have picked him up for lunch and we were around Burnt Pine outside the Orb when a man and two ladies walked past. One of the women was saying "..Have you seen Kingston? I've never seen rain like this on Norfolk..". Dad, sitting in the car said, "Wael Brad, den yu naewa bin ya lornga naf!"