Sunday, August 14, 2011

August must be the month for Visiting

The other evening when lying in my trunkle bed, all prepared to watch Better Homes and Gardens on Teev, I heard an almighty ruccus outside. Large vehicles, loud noices, unimaginable chaos. Yep. Messes Gate and Messes Reynolds!

Now you might think that Maree isn't actually looking the best that you've ever seen her

and Karenne is definately up to some kind of mischief

The simple truth is, that after ordering Butterscotch Blitz and Bailey's, the two of them forgot to go home. These photos were taken at 2.50 am when, after hours and hours of my pleading for them to go home, the two of them finally decided that they had homes to go to!!!


Leigh said...

I just love your blog Gaye !

Anonymous said...

anyway - you car spaell. Gat no "A" in definitely. And I naewa drink dem butterscoth thing, look too huii huii. xx But gee we had a good time.xx Messes G.