Monday, August 15, 2011

Ef Uni, Ef Uni....

Please please somebody help me! I would PAY money for someone to show me how to make the comments VISIBLE. They are worth their weight in gold. Particularly the one asking whether I received written authorisation to enter God's Country to take photos of Henny's Lake!


Chelsea said...

You can see them you just have to look at the end of the post where its says "posted by Gaye Evans" and next to it it will have 0 or 1 or 2 comments and if you click on that you can read them

Cristina Rose said...

Gaye, Gaye, Gaye....many a time I have told you. RING ME!!!!! I get blog questions daily. Don't stress!
Why am I telling you this in the comments if you can't read the comments?? I will call you. hehehehe xx Cristina