Waiting patiently and with excellent manners for Millie and her two cronies to appear. Naturally, Millie was talking so much she didn't even notice us as they entered

After some moments settling in, Mil opened one of her gifts which was a beautiful gnome singing an enchantingly lively tune. She advised the throng that she would leave it on Rees bedside table and play it for him at 2am. This morning she contacted me to say that she had done just that. As I commented yesterday ...he's lived with you long enough Mil to be surprised by nothing!...and he was.

Some of the select group of ladies sitting at table

Most of the rest of the select group of ladies sitting at table. Please note the exquisite manners

Another gift was a box of tablets from Robyn which carried explicit instructions. Those who weren't rolling around laughing, were paying careful attention to a very funny birthday annecdote pertaining to our dear friend Freds

...and so the afternoon wears on

Robyn and Phyll looking very demure

I would like to say that Millie was overcome with the occasion... I would like to say that when the cake was brought out she couldn't contain herself...I would like to say that it was emotionally overwhelming and she gracefully wept. I would like to say these things. But I can't. She's wiping her eyes from crying with laughter at Robyn's most inappropriate gift!

Noelene, Millie and Robyn

and again. You could almost be forgiven for saying that whoever comes into Millie's auric field is immediately corrupted

Noelene, Millie and Robyn

Robyn looking enchantingly innocent. She was always excellent on stage.

Janice and Gaye ~ a steadying influence throughout the afternoon

Coral and Midge ~ sharing wonderful tales

Alma and Diane ~ both looking stunningly lovely

Altogether now ~~ Happy Birthday Millie! See you next year
1 comment:
Thanks fo me yorlye ... it sure was a lot of fun ... and yes, I was surprised ... and Rees really did luv listening to the singing gnome at 2am ... and yes, I have become a 'cheap drunk' and got 'happy' on half a glass of wine :)
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